Six silos have now been installed on-site at many government public schools, ensuring children in the village have proper nutrition to grow and learn.  More will be installed in the coming months!

Six silos have now been installed on-site at many government public schools, ensuring children in the village have proper nutrition to grow and learn. More will be installed in the coming months!


Vacation Bible School went on despite COVID-19 during 2020.  We. used it as an opportunity to educate about the love of Jesus and also about the virus.  Food was also provided to families.

Vacation Bible School went on despite COVID-19 during 2020. We. used it as an opportunity to educate about the love of Jesus and also about the virus. Food was also provided to families.

In partnership with our friends in Tanzania, we are helping to improve and positively impact local culture.  Ubora believes that all members of a society should be treated with respect and love. The Community impact program seeks to provide creative solutions for the issues stemming from the effects of illiteracy, flooding and drought, minimal access to Biblical teaching, and harmful tribal customs.


  • 35 homes built for widows

  • 600 children each summer attend Vacation Bible School; 2500 children served to date

  • Seven food silos delivered to public schools and the village center holding enough maize for 800,000 meals

  • Established the first community library in a rural village with a reading program for young children

  • Second community library in neighboring village in 2021; duplicating the reading program

  • Working to end the violation of young girls walking home long distances from secondary school

  • Programs for fellowship, worship, and care for 73 village widows


Contact: Carter Rhea at

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Changing lives on both sides of the Atlantic

When you join with Ubora, you do more than extend a helping hand.  What began as a small community from Atlanta stepping in to help the community of Karansi has become so much more…a best-in-class school; widows valued and empowered; sponsored children educated; families transformed; microbusinesses fueling the local economy; and the Good News of the Christian gospel shared and taking root.

Without you [Ubora], there would be no Karansi.
— A Masaai Leader